Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Year 4  »  Spring


Homework Attached are the Ireland Wood Little Things,spellings and the homework sheets.

Learning in Spring Term

This term, the children will be learning about Europe. As part of their learning, they will explore countries in Europe, including Spain, Greece and France. 

The children will be exploring fiction texts including 'Toro Toro' and 'King of the Sky' writing their own endings and versions of these narratives. They will also explore non-fiction texts such as recipes and holiday brochures! 

The children will be focusing on deepening their understanding of multiplication and division at the start of term. Once confident, they will explore perimeter, fractions and decimals.

The children will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats throughout Spring term. 

We practice timestables daily in year 4 and we encourage the children to continue to practice whilst at home. All the children have access to TT Rockstars (Please find their log ins in the back of your child's planner). 
There are also many websites which can support with your child's learning of timestables, including
In school the children use to practice their timestables ready for later in the year.