On our immersive learning day, we took on different roles as Mayans to build Lego temples. We then completed a Mayan escape room. We designed our own Mayan masks and explored the timeline of the Mayans, and where they fit into our prior learning.
Timestables and TT Rockstars
We practice timestables daily in year 4 and we encourage the children to continue to practice whilst at home. All the children have access to TT Rockstars (Please find their log ins in the back of your child's planner). There are also many websites which can support with your child's learning of timestables, including www.topmarks.co.uk.
Attached are the Ireland Wood Little Things,spellings and the homework sheets, along with the answers.
Learning in Autumn Term
This term, the children will be learning about the Mayan civilisation! As part of their learning, they will explore who the Mayans were, where they came from, and what life was like for them.
The children will be exploring the text 'Flotsam', creating their own narratives to carry this story on. They will then be writing their own version of the story 'The Hummingbird King'.
The children will be focusing on deepening their understanding of place value during the start of the term. Once confident, the children will progress onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The children will be learning about States of Matter during Autumn 1. In Autumn 2, the children will learn about Electricity. EditDelet
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