Teachers: Miss Harper (3H) & Mrs Paul (3P)
Other adults who work in Year 3:
3H - Mrs Franz, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Kerr, Mrs Doughty, Mrs Robinson
3P - Mrs Dawson, Miss Metcalfe, Mrs Saad and Mrs Johnson
Our Phase Governor is:
Homework: Across school we encourage children to read at least 3 times a week at home.There are also weekly homework tasks:
Spellings - Wednesday
Maths - Little Things maths activitites
Topic - optional and returned to school on Wednesday
PE days: Please ensure your child/children come to school dressed in their PE kits on their assigned PE day.
3H - Wednesday
3P - Thursday
Themes for the year:
Autumn term: Through the Ages
Spring term: Walking like an Egyptian
Summer term: You're Yorkshire!

Children should wear their full school uniform in line with the policy. Children should bring a coat with a hood (and a hat if it is cold/warm) and apply any sun cream before school. PE, break times and lunchtimes will be outside (unless extreme weather), so ensure appropriate layers are provided. Reception and KS1 children may bring their book bag to school to carry their reading book, reading record and homework book. KS2 may bring a small bag to carry their reading book, planner and homework book. Reading books will be sent home as usual – they will be ‘quarantined’ upon return for 72 hours before being redistributed. Children are able to bring a packed lunch if they normally do so and all children will need a water bottle. Please do not bring any toys or extra belongings into school.
For more information on school reopening