Investors In PupilsAs children settle into Reception classes in September, we establish our class vision and how we would like our class and the environment to be. We also make teacher and pupil promises which we all sign.
Welcome to Reception
Learning through play, paves they way... to excellence!

Mrs Ajayi & Miss Waddington
Teachers: Mrs Ajayi (RA) & Miss Waddington (RW)
Phase Leader: Mrs Blackburn
Our Phase Governor is: Sue Tuck
Other adults who work in Reception: Miss Middleton (Class Support RA) / Miss McQuillan (Class Support RW)
Homework: Reading books will be changed weekly according to your child's team (see below).
Please aim to read with your child at least 3 times a week. Spring -Your child now has high frequency word flashcards. Triky words are also in the back of your child's reading diaries.
Monday - Red group (Elm) Monday - Blue group (Oak)
Tuesday - Yellow group (Beech) Tuesday - Green group (Willow)
Wednesday - Green group (Willow) Wednesday - Yellow group (Beech)
Thursday - Blue group (Oak) Thursday - Red group (Elm)
Homework Books - half termly activities are suggested and you are welcome to include anything you and your child have enjoyed together including WOW moments. Time is set aside for children to show and tell their homework books in class. This will start in Autumn Term 2.
PE days: Please ensure your child brings their PE kits (white t-shirt, blue shorts, pumps or trainers) to school at the start of each half term.
Both classes have PE with Miss O'Brien on Thursday mornings.
We ask that you ensure all items of clothing are labelled.
Music days: Music (instruments) - Thursdays with Mrs Smith
Scooter Track Day: Reception are welcome to use the scooter track after school, as long as they have parental supervision at all times.
Outdoor Learning: Reception have access to the outdoor area in all weather conditions. Please can you ensure your child brings in a waterproof coat, a pair of wellies (we do have spares) and as the weather gets colder a hat and gloves.
Themes for the year:
Autumn 1: Magical Me! / Autumn
Autumn 2: Celebrations
Spring 1: Toys / Bears
Spring 2: Superheroes / Space
Summer 1: Minibeasts / Farm
Summer 2: Under the Sea / Transition
Themes are subject to change