Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2014-15  »  Year 2  »  Summer

KS1 SPORTS DAY 2015!!1

The sunshine came out for our sports day today! We ran, we jumped, we had fun AND we kept fit and healthy at the same time!

Some of our living museum films in practise!
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WOW! We had great fun preparing and presenting our Captain Cook and Neil Armstrong Museum! Thank you to all of the parents who came to support us. We hope you had as much fun and learnt as much as we have! We had acting, singing, dancing, art work and LOTS of speaking!

Josh enjoyed reading to the class today!

Visiting the Library!

Throughout the year we have been visiting the local library to borrow books to bring back to school. We have really enjoyed going to the library because we enjoy having the chance to choose and read the books we like and share them with our friends.

Our Teddy Bear's Picnic!

Today 2S had a teddy bear's picnic as our merit prize! We even made our own sandwiches to share with our teddies!!!

Creating our Living Museum!!!!!

We are creating a living museum all about Captain Cook and Neil Armstrong! We will be sending invitations to our museum out next week. We hope you will be able to come!

How can we grow our own salad?

Health eating ahoy! We are growing our own salad: radishes, rocket, pak choi and lettuce! We enjoyed getting our hands dirty in the sunshine this afternoon!

Road Safety!

Take a look at some of our AMAZING Lego Movie videos that we created about keeping safe on the road! Remember... stop, look and listen!

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Keeping healthy with fitness!

Today we did circuits on the MUGA to remind ourselves about keeping fit!

Water safety!

We had a visit from a special guest from the RNLI today! She taught us all about water safety! Can you remember: SAFE...... What does it stand for?

Millie's explanation for how she made her boat is on Lend Me Your Literacy this week! Why not check it out?

Well done Millie!!! ;)
Health and safety week!

Today we thought about how to stay safe on the road. We made short Lego movies to demonstrate!

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More maths puzzles!
Making the boats!

We worked in small teams to make our boats for a Lego Captain Cook! We chose our materials carefully, based on which ones floated the best, and we built them together!


As part of our current Topic, we investigated which material would be the best to use to make a boat for a lego Captain Cook! We tested lots of different materials to see which ones float and which ones sink!


In Year 2 we are going skipping crazy in preparation for a skipping competition!


Today we celebrated VE Day.. We looked at and discussed photographic evidence from VE Day and we had a street party, complete with cucumber sandwiches, jelly, bunting and dancing!

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If you would like to leave a message about our AWESOME trip, please feel free!

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    Amazing recount work by Alfie, Oliver, Freya, Millie and Cole!

    We do LOVE to be beside the seaside!

    Wowsers! Our trip to Whitby was AMAZING!!! We had such a great time visiting the Cook House Museum, the Captain Cook statue and THE BEACH!!!! We took our shoes and socks off and relaxed the afternoon away on the golden sands of Whitby's Harbour beach. We had such a good time: the sun shone and the children were fantastic! Finally we climbed the 199 steps to Whitby Abbey and some of us visited the old church there, where we discovered real pirate gravestones!

    Problem solving!

    This week's maths problem kept us going for a whole session, but after lots of perseverance we finally managed to figure it out! Well done Freya - You were the first one to solve it! :)

    When we study geography topics in Year 2, we use maps, atlases and globes to find out about the world. We are trying to learn the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of the world.

    Here we were trying to find out if Captain Cook visited all 7 continents and sailed on all 5 oceans during his 3 voyages of discovery around the world.

    Can YOU name them all?