Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2014-15  »  Reception  »  Spring

STEM Water Day

The children had a great time making a water wall in our outdoor area. They experimented with a variety of containers to pour and carry water. All of the water was re-used to help save water.

Spring Planting

We have started planting some herbs in our outdoor area. Our potatoes are almost ready to plant outside too. We can't wait to eat them when they've grown!

Minibeast homework.

Check out our fabulous minibeast homework!

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Hunting for Minibeasts

Now that the weather is getting warmer (slowly!) we have been out and about in the garden looking for minibeasts. We found all sorts of interesting critters and the children had a fantastic time learning all about them.

Chinese New Year

For Chinese New Year we decorated the home corner, learnt about the different animal years and did a whole lot of other fantastic learning!

Aliens love underpants!

We decorated underpants and learnt a great new song about aliens, which the children made up actions for.


The children decided whether they wanted to use football players or bead necklaces to learn all about halving. They had a great time sharing equally between two!

Super Splats!

We are learning all about Superheroes this term, and have done some great writing of superhero splat words. We love using our new long word: onomatopoeia!