Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2014-15  »  Year 6

WW1 homework

Here is a copy of the homework sheet for Autumn 2. There will also be a maths sheet each week, as well as reading, tables and weekly spellings.

Investors in Pupils Y6

At the beginning of each year, we spend time outlining all our expectations for the classroom.

Class Teachers: Mrs Amos and Mrs Spruce

Other adults who work in Y6: Mrs Coverdale, Miss Brown, Mrs McLoughlin, Mr Gittins

Homework is sent out each Thursday and needs to be returned the following Tuesday. An overview of topical tasks is sent out each half term and every child must choose one task each week to complete. (It is also available on this website).
Spellings and Maths are sent out each week, too.
Reading: at least three times a week (Movie and Popcorn party as a reward - 12 weeks for Autumn Term 2014!) 

Music days: Singing - Tuesday pm

PE days:    Tuesday (Games)
                Wednesday (Gym)

Scooter/Cycle Track: Friday lunchtime

Themes for the year:
Autumn 1: What have we learned from the Ancient Greeks?
Autumn 2: Was it really a Great War?
Spring 1: Will I ever see the water I drink again?
Spring 2: Is Hinduism like any other religion I know?
Summer 1: Were the Vikings always vicious?
Summer 2: What makes a successful performance?

Themes are subject to change